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SunVox C Bindings! Will, in the future, be a fully features library for using and playing with sunvox.


This was only tested on Ubuntu so it might not work on other systems :(

Run sudo ./ to install sunvox library.

Then run ./ to run a test


Usage Example#

require "libsunvox"

# Set the audiodevice and audiodevice_in to your device then speak into your microphone :)
SunVox.start_engine(config: "audiodriver=alsa|audiodevice=hw:0,0|audiodevice_in=hw:2,0", no_debug_output: true, one_thread: false)
slot = SunVox.open_slot(SunVox::Slot::One)

input = SunVox.new_module(slot, SunVox::Modules::Synths::INPUT)
generator = SunVox.new_module(slot, SunVox::Modules::Synths::GENERATOR)
carrier = SunVox.new_module(slot, SunVox::Modules::Effects::AMPLIFIER)
modulator = SunVox.new_module(slot, SunVox::Modules::Effects::AMPLIFIER)
vocoder = SunVox.load_module(slot, "./rsrc/vocoder.sunsynth")

# Connect the module to the output

SunVox.connect_module(slot, input, modulator)
SunVox.connect_module(slot, generator, carrier)
SunVox.connect_module(slot, carrier, vocoder)
SunVox.connect_module(slot, modulator, vocoder)
SunVox.connect_module(slot, vocoder, SunVox::OUTPUT_MODULE)


SunVox.send_event(slot, 0, SunVox::Note::None, 0, generator, ctl: 2, ctl_value: 0x1)

# Set carrier controls
SunVox.send_event(slot, 0, SunVox::Note::None, 0, carrier, ctl: 1, ctl_value: 0x4000)

SunVox.send_event(slot, 0, SunVox::Note::None, 0, carrier, ctl: 2, ctl_value: 0x8000)

# Set modulator controls
SunVox.send_event(slot, 0, SunVox::Note::None, 0, modulator, ctl: 1, ctl_value: 0x69c0)
SunVox.send_event(slot, 0, SunVox::Note::None, 0, modulator, ctl: 2, ctl_value: 0)

SunVox.send_event(slot, 0, SunVox::Note::D1, 0, generator)
SunVox.send_event(slot, 1, SunVox::Note::D2, 0, generator)
SunVox.send_event(slot, 2, SunVox::Note::D3, 0, generator)
SunVox.send_event(slot, 3, SunVox::Note::G4, 0, generator)
SunVox.send_event(slot, 4, SunVox::Note::D5, 0, generator)



TODO: Write development instructions here


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Powered by SunVox (modular synth & tracker) Copyright (c) 2008 - 2020, Alexander Zolotov,